2015年4月23日 星期四



日本幕府時期開始日本人對其本土衣裝的稱呼。現代日本和服可分為王室服制和國民服制 is a Japanese traditional garment. The word "kimono", which literally means a "thing to wear" (ki "wear" and mono "thing


是一種日本料理,主要材料是用調味過,以肥小而稍帶甜味的日本珍珠米所煮成的飯,加入等調味,降溫後加上魚肉、海鮮、蔬菜、雞蛋或其他肉類等作配料。原為一種保存食物的方法:以醋酸令食物的酸鹼值下降,抑制微生物生長,以阻慢食物腐敗的速度。 is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi?) combined with other ingredients (ネタ neta?), seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice (also referred to as shari (しゃり?) or sumeshi 


是房間裏供人坐或臥的一種家具。至今已有近兩千年的歷史。起源於中國漢朝,發展並盛行於隋唐,盛唐時期傳播於日韓等地。為日本傳統房間「和室」內鋪設地板的材料,漢字寫作「畳」,日語假名「たたみ」,現代漢語通常音譯為榻榻米塌塌米他他米等。《中山見聞辨異》中音譯為搨劄密腳踏棉 is a type of mat used as a flooring material in traditional Japanese-style rooms. Traditionally made using rice straw to form the core, the cores of contemporary tatami are sometimes composed of compressedwood chip boards or polystyrene foam


屬於薔薇科李屬(或於部分分類法上更細分的櫻亞屬櫻屬並具備長花梗的組或節等分類)之物種的花。 一般櫻桃是指食用果實的的甜櫻桃Prunus avium 及酸櫻桃Prunus cerasus。大陸地區所指食用櫻桃則還包含櫻桃Cerasus pseudocerasusis the flower of any of several trees of genus Prunus, particularly the Japanese Cherry, Prunus serrulata, which is called sakura after the Japanese ( or ; さくら).[1][2][3]
Cherry blossom is speculated to be native to the Himalayas.[4] Currently it is widely distributed, especially in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere such as: Europe, West Siberia, South Korea, China, Japan, United States, etc.


是位於日本千葉縣浦安市主題樂園。也是由華特迪士尼公司創辦的第一個亞洲主題公園。東京迪士尼樂園共由七個主題區域所組成。一年四季中都會有很多姿多彩的大型巡遊表演及慶祝活動等。 is an 115-acre (465,000 m2theme park at the Tokyo Disney Resort in UrayasuChiba, Japan, near Tokyo.



2015年4月17日 星期五

台灣 Taiwan 504-25 (Jenny)


Flag of the Republic of China


It was first used in mainland China by the Kuomintang (KMT, the Chinese Nationalist Party) in 1917 and was made the official flag of the Republic of China in 1928.

臭豆腐    Stinky tofu


Stinky tofu or chòu dòufu is a form of fermented tofu that has a strong odour. It is a snack that is usually sold at night markets or roadside stands or as a side dish in lunch bars rather than in restaurants.

旗袍    Cheongsam


The cheongsam is a body-hugging one-piece Chinese dress for women, also known in Mandarin Chinese as qipao  Wade-Giles ch'i-p'ao), and Mandarin gown in English. The stylish and often tight-fitting cheongsam or qipao (chipao) that is best known today was created in the 1920s in Shanghai and made fashionable by socialites and upper class women.

高雄85大樓       Tuntex Sky Tower

高雄85大樓85 Sky Tower),前稱東帝士85國際廣場東帝士建台大樓,位於臺灣高雄市苓雅區,緊鄰著高雄港新光碼頭,是台灣第二高的摩天大樓,也是1990年代後期臺灣最高的建築物。

Tuntex Sky Tower, or the T & C Tower or 85 Sky Tower (the Tuntex & Chien-Tai Tower; Chinesepinyin is an 85-floor skyscraper located in Lingya DistrictKaohsiungTaiwan. The structure is 347.5 m (1,140 ft) high. An antenna pushes the building height to 378 m (1,240 ft). Constructed from 1994 to 1997, it is the tallest skyscraper in Kaohsiung, and was the tallest in Taiwan until the completion ofTaipei 101.

2015年4月12日 星期日

5-3sammi 英國倫敦London, United Kingdom

英國倫敦塔橋Kingdom Tower Bridge

倫敦塔橋Tower Bridge Bridge across the River Thames in London Bridge, near the Tower of London because of the name. Tower Bridge is sometimes mistakenly referred to as London Bridge (London Bridge), in fact, the real London Bridge is a bridge to another completely different seat, located upstream of the Tower Bridge.   位於英國倫敦一座橫跨泰晤士河鐵橋,因位於倫敦塔附近而得名。倫敦塔橋有時被誤稱為倫敦橋(London Bridge),其實真正的倫敦橋是另一座完全不同的橋樑,位於倫敦塔橋的上游。

英國倫敦塔Kingdom Tower

是位於倫敦市中心的一座宮殿和城堡,其官方名稱是「女王陛下的宮殿與城堡,倫敦塔Is located in the heart of London, a palace and castle, its official name is "Her Majesty's palaces and castles, the Tower of London                                                                                                                             倫敦眼The London Eye                 或又稱為千禧之輪(Millennium Wheel)是世界上首座、也曾經是世界最大的觀景摩天輪,僅次於南昌之星新加坡觀景輪。它於1999年年底開幕,總高度135米(443英尺)Or also known as the Millennium Wheel (Millennium Wheel) is the world's first, was once the world's largest observation wheel, behind Star of Nanchang and Singapore Flyer. It opened in late 1999, with a total height of 135 meters (443 feet)

Taiwan hank david

This is a protected species in Taiwan Taiwan black male
這是台灣的保育類動物  台灣黑雄 

Taiwan dog is Taiwan's native dog

Taiwan blue magpie DAVID Bird
Taiwan map

韓國介紹504韓富全 張致睿

Republic of Korea" and "ROK" redirect here. For the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, see North Korea. For other uses, see ROK (disambiguation).South Korea (About this sound listen), officially the Republic of Korea (Hangul대한민국Hanja大韓民國Daehan Minguk About this sound listen, "The Republic of GreatHan"; ROK), and commonly referred to as Korea, is a sovereign state in East Asia, constituting the southern part of the Korean Peninsula.[6] The name Korea is derived from the Kingdom of Goryeo, also spelled as Koryŏ. It shares land borders with North Korea to the north, and oversea borders with Japan to the east and China to the west. Roughly half of the country's 50 million people reside in the metropolitan area surrounding its capital, the Seoul Capital Area, which is the third largest in the world[7] with over 25 million residents.[8]

大韓民國韓語대한민국大韓民國 Daehan Minguk)是位於東亞朝鮮半島南部的民主共和,簡稱韓國한국韓國 Hanguk),或稱為南韓남한南韓),首都首爾。韓國三面環海,西南瀕臨黃海(韓國又稱「西海」),東南是朝鮮海峽,東邊是日本海(韓國稱「東海」),北面隔著三八線南北韓非軍事區朝鮮民主主義人民共和國相鄰,總面積10.02萬平方公里(占朝鮮半島總面積的4/9),人口約5,000萬[7]

Kimchi (hangul김치 Korean pronunciation: [kimtɕʰi]English pronunciation: /ˈkɪmi/), also spelled kimchee or gimchi, is a traditional fermentedKorean side dish made of vegetables with a variety of seasonings. It is often described as spicy and sour.[1][2][3] In traditional preparation, kimchi is often allowed to ferment underground in jars for months.[4] There are hundreds of varieties of kimchi made from napa cabbageradish,scallion, or cucumber as a main ingredient.

N Seoul TowerN首爾塔

The N Seoul Tower, (HangulN서울타워), officially the YTN Seoul Tower[1] and commonly known as the Namsan Tower or Seoul Tower, is acommunication and observation tower located on Namsan Mountain in central Seoul, South Korea. At 236m, it marks the highest point in Seoul.[2]
Built in 1971, the N Seoul Tower is Korea's first general radio wave tower, providing TV and radio broadcasting in Seoul.[3] Currently, the tower broadcast signals for Korean media outlets, such as KBSMBC and SBS.
N首爾塔韓語엔 서울타워英語N Seoul Tower,俗稱首爾塔南山塔)位於韓國首爾特別市龍山區南山,高236.7米,建於1975年,是集旅遊觀光和電視發射為一體的地標建築,鄰近南山纜車站。


Tteokbokki (떡볶이; also known as teokbokkiddeokbokkitopokki, and dukboki)[1][2] is a popular Korean snack food made from soft rice cake, fish cake and sweet red chili sauce.[3] It is commonly purchased from street vendors or pojangmacha. Originally it was called tteok jjim (떡찜) and was a savory braised dish of sliced rice cake, meat, eggs, and seasoning.


辛拉麵Shin Ramyun

Shin Ramyun is a brand of instant noodle produced by Nong Shim Ltd. in South Korea since 1986. It is exported to over 80 different countries, and is the highest selling brand of noodles in South Korea.[1]
In April 2011, the brand launched Shin Ramyun Black at twice the price of the regular Shin Ramyun, and it generated sales of ₩9.4 billion in May 2011.[2]


Bibimbap (비빔밥, Korean pronunciation: [bibimbap],[1] sometimes anglicized bi bim bap or bi bim bop) is a signature Korean dish. The word literally means "mixed rice". Bibimbap is served as a bowl of warm white rice topped with namul (sautéed and seasoned vegetables) and gochujang (chili pepper paste), soy sauce, or doenjang, a salty soybean paste. A raw or fried egg and sliced meat (usually beef) are common additions. The hot dish is stirred together thoroughly just before eating.[2]
In South Korea, JeonjuJinju, and Tongyeong are especially famous for their versions of bibimbap.[3] In 2011, it was listed at number 40 on theWorld's 50 most delicious foods readers' poll compiled by CNN Travel.[4]
除了用一般容器,也有用石鍋、銅鍋盛裝,最著名的稱為石頭拌飯韓語돌솥 비빔밥),是鍋飯的一種,以熱石碗盛載材料,塗上麻油,靠近碗面的米飯會變得色澤金黃,口感香脆。亦有採用黃銅作盛器。以食譜據說來自朝鮮宮廷飲食全州最聞名,其次是晉州