2015年3月26日 星期四

Taiwan's offshore islands(5-1 Lillian/Peter)

 Nangan Beihai tunnel 南竿北海坑道 North Sea coastline iron tunnel is located , is an in-depth hillside , through the wall , was " well " shaped cross waterway. 北海坑道位處鐵板海岸線,為一深入山腹,貫穿岩壁,呈「井」字形交錯的水道


 Double Heart Stone                                                                                      石滬為澎湖的一種人與大海相互依存的捕魚方法,因有兩座心狀石滬而得雙心石滬美名。原理為利用潮汐起落,在潮間帶堆砌兩道長圓弧形堤岸,從淺水處一路延長至深水處,在深水處盡頭向內做成彎鉤狀。漲潮時,魚群順著海水進入石滬中覓食海藻
Shanghai Shi Penghu fishing methods for a man and the sea interdependence.

媽祖蘭眼淚   Mazu lante ars
Spring and summer transfer season ,the Matsu waterfront will appear " Blue Tears "

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