2015年4月12日 星期日

日本japan5-4 jessie and jamie

Flag of Japan.svg

日本japan:是位於東亞島嶼國家,由日本列島(主要為北海道本州四國九州等四島)和6千8百多個小島組成,國土面積約37.8萬平方公里。根據民間傳說,日本於公元前660年2月11日建國[9]。其國名的意思為「朝陽升起的地方」 is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of JapanChinaNorth KoreaSouth Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south. The Kanji that make up Japan's name mean "sun origin", and Japan is often called "Land of the Rising Sun".

生魚片Kuai :生魚片又稱魚生,古稱魚膾,是以新鮮的類生切成片,蘸調味料食用的食物總稱。在中國日本朝鮮半島甚至歐洲等地都有類似的吃法,可說是相當國際化的一種料理。

Kuai (Chinesepinyinkuài) was a Chinese dish consisting of finely cut strips of raw fish or meat, which was popular and commonly eaten in the early history and dynastic times of China. According to the Book of Rites (禮記) compiled between 202 BCE–220 CE, kuai consists of small thin slices or strips of raw meat, which are prepared by first thinly slicing the meat and then cutting the thin slices into strips. In modern times, the dishes are more often referred to as "raw fish slices" 

Clogs are a type of footwear made in part or completely from wood. Clogs are used worldwide and although the form may vary by culture, within a culture the form often remained unchanged for centuries.

Kimono are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves. Kimono are wrapped around the body, always with the left side over the right (except when dressing the dead for burial)[4] and secured by a sash called an obi, which is tied at the back. Kimono are generally worn with traditional footwear (especially zōri or geta) and split-toe socks .

溫泉hot spring:
 A hot spring is a spring that is produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater from the Earth's crust. There are geothermal hot springs in many locations all over the crust of the earth.

