2015年4月12日 星期日


珍珠奶茶  Pearl milk tea

   是一項於1980年代發明及廣傳於台灣飲料,為泡沫紅茶(Bubble tea)、珍珠茶飲文化中的一支,將「粉圓」(「珍珠」,Tapioca ball)加入香醇的奶茶中,也尚有「珍珠紅(綠)茶」、「珍珠奶綠(茶)」等變種,由於口感特殊,所以受到廣大的歡迎與回響,也成為台灣最具代表性的飲料與小吃之一,多年來,已經由台灣流行至東亞、歐洲、美國甚至中東國家等地方。
   Is an invention in the 1980s and widely spread in Taiwan, tea drinks, as bubble tea(Bubble tea), pearl tea culture in the team, the "pink circle" ("Pearl", Tapioca ball) joinmellow tea, but also there are "pearl red (green) tea", "pearl milk green (tea)" and othervariants, due to the special taste, so welcomed by the majority of the response, Taiwanhas become the most representative of drinks and snacks First, over the years, has been popular from Taiwan to East Asia, Europe, the US, the Middle East and other places.

101大樓  101 Building

    是位於臺灣臺北市信義區摩天大樓,樓高509.2公尺(1,671英尺),總樓層共地上101層、地下5層,由李祖原聯合建築師事務所設計、KTRT團隊建造,於1999年動工,2004年12月31日完工啟用;最初名稱為台北國際金融中心Taipei World Financial Center),2003年改為現名,亦俗稱為101大樓[2]。興建與經營機構為台北金融大樓公司。其為臺灣第一高樓,曾於2004年12月31日至2010年1月4日間擁有世界第一高樓的紀錄,目前是已啟用的世界第四高樓[3],同時也是全球最高綠建築和環地震帶最高建築物;大樓內則擁有全球最大的阻尼器和全球起降速度次快的電梯

   Is located in Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan skyscraper, tall 509.2 meters (1,671 feet), with a total floor a total of 101 floors above ground, underground 5 floors, built jointly byCY Lee Architects design, KTRT team, started in 1999 , December 31, 2004 completed and opened; originally the name for the Taipei international Financial Center (Taipei World Financial Center), 2003 to its present name, also known as 101 [2]. Constructionand operation of institutions for Taipei Financial Center Corporation. Which is Taiwan's first high-rise, had December 31, 2004 to 2010 January 4 day has the world's tallest building record is currently the world's fourth tallest building enabled [3], but also thehighest in the world green building and the tallest buildings in seismic belt loop; it has the world's largest global dampers and landing times faster speed elevator in the building.

台灣黑熊   Formosan black bear


   Taiwan endemic subspecies of the Asian black bear, chest V-shaped markings on the Asian black bear are common features. Currently the number of extant populationsFormosan black bear much, come and go in Taiwan's Central Mountain altitude of 1000 meters -3500 meters in the mountains, the scope of activities of up to 50 square kilometers. Back in 1932, the Japanese explorer Hori Chuanan city book "Taiwanmammal Illustrated", the Formosan black bear's plate has emerged. Due to a large number of land development in recent decades led to loss of habitat, the number ofblack bears in Taiwan falling. In 1989, in accordance with Taiwan's "Wildlife Conservation Law," the Formosan black bear is listed as endangered. 2001 Formosan black bear was chosen as the most representative of Taiwan's wildlife.


台灣燈會   Taiwan Lantern Festival

   Sponsored by the Chinese Ministry of Transportation and Communications Tourism Bureau, a large lantern events held since 1990 in the annual Lantern Festival. Past due to be held in Taipei and are known as the Taipei Lantern Festival, 2001, the opening bid to compete nationwide counties , has become a national Lantern activities nationwide.

鳳梨酥   Pineapple cake

   Taiwan's famous dessert, the main raw material for flour, butter, sugar, eggs, melon, pineapple sauce, crisp skin, stuffing soft, sweet pineapple. Because Taiwanese pineapple homonym for "wang to" auspicious meaning thriving with, often as holidays, when the delivery of hands or one of the best customers with gifts for friends and relatives. According to the Taipei City Tourism Bureau, said the spread of Chinese mainland tourists to visit Taiwan, the favorite to buy pineapple cakes, there is more to the industry to make Taiwan pineapple cake shape. In recent years, there are industry and consumers in the Mid-height during the production and sales of cakes, pineapple cakes will be regarded as one of moon cake gift boxes.

鹽水蜂炮     Salt bee gun


Located in Tainan saline area, sponsored by the saline Mo Temple, called bee gunmeans many rockets consisting of a large fort hair (like a combination MLRS), whenignited 10000 cannons hair, like bees in force, it is known as "bee gun."

大甲媽祖    Dajia Mazu


   Taiwan Taichung temple Tachia Lankung, held on lunar March, up nine eight nights ofTachia mom touring around the environment, end in Chiayi County, Newport MukdenPalace. 1987 previously went to Yunlin Pak temples pilgrimage mow fire. On July 4, 2008 has been designated as an "important national intangible assets and cultural activities." Pak temples will change in driving from Newport Mukden Palace, becausethe name of Pak temples Tachia back home mom's name, town Lankung think Tachiamom from Meizhou spiritual self-Pak temples instead of points, and therefore plays adispute, leading to changes in driving location. 


 太魯閣    Taroko


Block 4 is the establishment of the Republic of China National Park, formerly known as the times during the Japanese occupation of the establishment of high Taroko National Park (1937-1945). After the war the provincial scenic, November 12, 1986announcement plan, November 28, 1986 to set up the management office. Located inthe eastern part of Taiwan, across the Hualien County, Taichung City, Nantou County,three districts. The park has the first east-west highway in Taiwan, called the CentralCross-Island Highway.

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