2015年4月12日 星期日


 National flag-日本國旗為一面白色長方形旗幟,旗幟中心為一個紅色圓形,代表太陽。其正式名稱為日章旗Japanese flag to one side white rectangle banner of the center as a red circle represents the sun. Its official name is Flag Day Chapter
描述: http://s3-travel-production.s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/styles/relax_620x413_thumbnail/s3/article/images/featured/sakura_np.jpg?itok=2g5pk2T7

Cherry blossoms-櫻花最初的痕跡出現於喜馬拉雅山區(參考資料:《櫻大鑒》)。唐朝時,這物種逐步傳入印度北部,中國長江流域以及南部偏西地區,台灣,韓國,日本地區。Sakura initial signs appeared in the Himalayas. During the Tang dynasty, which gradually passed species in northern India, southern China and the Yangtze River Basin west region, Taiwan, Korea, Japan.
Kimono-日本幕府時期開始日本人對其本土衣裝的稱呼。現代日本和服可分為王室服制和國民服制Japanese shogunate of Japan began to call their native clothes of the period. Modern Japanese kimono can be divided into royal service system and the national service system 
描述: http://www.worldexpeditions.com/images/uploads/2007-reskin/trip_images/Asia/Backroads-of-Japan.jpg

Mountain Fuji-日本一座橫跨靜岡縣山梨縣休眠火山,位於東京西南方約80公里處,主峰海拔3776公尺Japan's Shizuoka and Yamanashi across a dormant volcano, located about 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo at the peak elevation of 3776 meters
Sumo-相撲日本傳統的體術,由兩名力士裸露上身,互相角力。由神道的神事發展而成,作為專業競技項目,則稱為大相撲Sumo is a traditional Japanese art form, topless by two wrestlers, wrestling each other. Developed by the Shinto god things together, as a professional athletic events, it is called Sumo.
Sushi-是一種日本料理,主要材料是用調味過,以肥小而稍帶甜味的日本珍珠米所煮成的飯,加入等調味,降溫後加上魚肉、海鮮、蔬菜、雞蛋或其他肉類等作配料 Is a Japanese cuisine, the main material is flavored with vinegar, small and slightly sweet with fat Japanese pearlmillet the boiled rice, add vinegar, sugar, salt and other seasonings, after cooling plus fish, seafood, vegetables, eggs or other meat as an ingredient
Tokyo Tower-是位於日本東京港區芝公園的一座電波塔。其以巴黎艾菲爾鐵塔為範本而建造,高333公尺,比前者高13公尺Is located in Shiba Park, Minato, Tokyo, Japan a radio tower. Its built the Eiffel Tower in Paris, as a template, 333 meters high, 13 meters higher than the former

2 則留言:

  1. 作品讓人很有吸引力 The piture is so great

  2. Content is very rich, very exciting picture, worthy of study
