2015年4月12日 星期日


Rejection cake:Roti prata is a fried flour-based pancake that is cooked over a flat grill. It is usually served with a vegetable- or meat-based curry and is from Malaysia and Singapore. Prata is also commonly cooked upon request with cheese, onion, banana, red bean, chocolate, mushroom or egg. It is listed at number 45 in the World's 50 most delicious foods readers' poll compiled by CNN Go 又稱印度拋餅,是將麵和好,做成小片,然後用類似「攤桌布」的手法旋轉著向上拋,每拋一次由於離心力的作用餅坯就會變大一次,經過多次拋上,餅坯變得很大而薄,從外向內摺疊成直徑約五六寸的圓餅,再讓其落在鍋上烙,這種餅香脆可口,一般沾著印度咖喱一起吃。「印度」的圖片搜尋結果
.The National Flag of India is a horizontal rectangular tricolour of deep saffron, white and India green; with the Ashoka Chakra, a 24-spoke wheel, in navy blue at its centre. It was adopted in its present form during a meeting of the Constituent Assembly held on 22 July 1947, when it became the official flag of the Dominion of India. The flag was subsequently retained as that of the Republic of India. In India, the term "tricolour" (Hindi: तिरंगा, Tiranga) almost always refers to the Indian national flag. The flag is based on the Swaraj flag, a flag of the Indian National Congress designed byPingali Venkayya
橙色象徵了勇氣、獻身與無私,也是印度教士法衣的顏色,白色代表了真理與和平,而綠色則代表繁榮、信心與人類的生產力。法輪是印度孔雀王朝鼎盛的阿育王時代佛教聖地石柱柱頭的獅首圖案之一,神聖的法輪象徵著真理與道德,也代表了印度古老的文明。法輪的24根軸條則可代表一天的24小時,象徵國家時時都向前進。Taj Mahal (Edited).jpeg.The Taj Mahal  is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Commissioned in 1632 by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, the Taj Mahal stands on the southern bank of the Yamuna River. The mausoleum is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art in India" and remains as one of the world’s most celebrated structures and a symbol of India’s rich 泰姬瑪哈陵,是位於印度北方邦阿格拉的一座用白色大理石建造的陵墓,是印度知名度最高的古蹟之一。它是蒙兀兒王朝第5代皇帝沙迦罕為了紀念他的第三任妻子已故皇后姬蔓·芭奴而興建的陵墓,竣工於1654年。泰姬瑪哈陵被廣泛認為是「印度穆斯林藝術的珍寶和世界遺產中被廣泛讚美的傑作之一」。Indiandishes.jpgCurry  a dish whose origins are in South and Southeast Asian cuisines. The common feature is the incorporation of complex combinations of spices or herbs, usually including fresh or dried hot chillies. Some limit the use of the term curry to dishes prepared in a sauce, but curries may be "wet" or "dry". A curry dish may be spiced with leaves from the curry tree, but many curries do not have this ingredient.
In original traditional cuisines, the precise selection of spices for each dish is a matter of national or regional cultural tradition, religious practice, and, to some extent, family preference. Such dishes are  by specific names that refer to their ingredients  
Teh Tarik.jpg
Teh tarik (literally ‘pulled tea’) is a hot milk tea beverage which can be commonly found in restaurants, outdoor stalls and kopi tiams in southeast Asian countries of Malaysia and Singapore. Its name is derived from the pouring process of ‘pulling’ the drink during preparation. It is made fromblack teacondensed milk and/or evaporated milk. It is also considered as the national drink of Malaysia.[1]拉茶奶茶的一種,拉茶起源自移民至馬來西亞的印度人。拉茶是用兩個子遠距離倒來倒去,看似拉來拉去,故名「拉茶」,「拉」得越長,泡沫越多,味道就會好。

Indian traditional dress because of different places will be showing a different style, but also deeply influenced by the local culture, geography and urban and rural development. Popular clothing style is usually with creases, such as women wearing saris, men wear Totti and Lungi. Sewing clothes made very popular, such as the woman's Churidar or salwar-kameez (such clothing are usually equipped with a long scarf can be draped to the shoulders). Sari is a loose clothing, and chrridar is a personal clothing. For men, the sewing made clothing styles include kurta-pyjama, European-style trousers and shirts. People in the city often wear jeans, pants, suits, collarless long-sleeved shirt and some other popular clothing. In public places and places of worship, it is taboo scantily clad Indians and tight clothes. Most Indian clothes are made of cotton, cotton material of this dress in the local hot weather, wear very comfortable.印度的傳統服飾因不同的地方會呈現出不同的風格,也深受當地文化、地理環境和城鄉發展的影響。流行的服裝樣式通常是帶褶子的,如女子穿的紗麗、男子穿的托蒂和隆基。縫紉製作的衣服也很流行,如女子的Churidar或salwar-kameez(這種服裝通常配有可以披到肩上的長圍巾)。Sari是一款寬鬆的服裝,而chrridar則是一款貼身的服裝。對男子來說,縫紉製成的服裝款式包括 kurta-pyjama、歐式長褲和襯衫。在城市的人經常穿著牛仔衣褲、長褲、西裝、無領長袖襯衫和一些其他的流行服裝。在公共場合和宗教場所,印度人很忌諱穿著暴露和緊身的衣服。大多數印度人的衣服都是棉製的,這種棉材質的衣服在當地炎熱的天氣中,穿著十分舒適。

Hinduism is the largest religion in India, the number of believers close to 900 million, accounting for 80.5% of the population. About 50 million Indians are Hindus living abroad (particularly the United States and South Africa). India is the birthplace of Hinduism. India has the largest number of Hindus. Indian (Hindu) The word comes from the word 'Sindhu', meaning from the Indus Valley (ie India) to the people. Hinduism in India has a long and varied history, almost as long as the history of India. Hinduism originated in roughly 2500 BC. With other religions, there is no single creator, not a complete theological system and moral system, no central organization. Modern Hinduism due to the impact of other religions, in the form closer to the modern meaning of religion. However, not so much a religion as it is lifestyle.印度教是印度最大的宗教,信徒人數接近9億,占人口的80.5%。大約5000萬印度裔的印度教徒居住在海外(特別是美國和南非)。印度是印度教的發源地。印度擁有數量最多印度教徒。印度人(Hindu)這個詞 源自「Sindhu」一詞,意思是從印度河流域(即印度)來的人。印度教在印度有漫長而多變的歷史,幾乎與印度的歷史一樣長。印度教大致起源於公元前2500年。與其他宗教不同,沒有單一創建者,沒有完整的神學體系和道德體系,也沒有中央組織。現代印度教由於受到其他宗教的影響,在形式上更接近於現代意義的宗教。不過,與其說是一種宗教,不如說是生活方式。

