2015年4月12日 星期日

Taiwan臺灣王聖瑜 李裕宸

Taiwan is īeg on Westernum Sericus Gārsecge nēah þǣm Cīniscan fæstlande, and þe is asundrod fram þissum mid þǣm Taiwannearunesse. Tōdæg æftersprecaþ ge sēo Cynewīse Cīnan ge sēo Folclice 
臺灣是位於亞洲東部、太平洋西北側的島嶼,地處琉球群島菲律賓群島之間,西隔臺灣海峽歐亞大陸相望;臺灣面積約3.6萬平方公里, 為世界第38大島嶼,其中7成為山地丘陵平原則主要集中於西部沿海,地形海拔變化大。由於地處熱帶亞熱帶氣候區之交界,自然景觀與生態系資源相當豐富而多元[8]。現今人口約兩千三百萬,構成上以原住民族漢族為兩大民族[9],或分為原住民族、河洛人客家人外省人新住民等5大族群,其中河洛人為最大群體。人口分布上,超過七成集中於西部的五大都會區,其中以首都臺北為中心的臺北都會區最大,亦是亞洲主要都會圈之一。

紅毛城Fort San Domingo

Fort San Domingo was originally a wooden fort built by the Spanish in 1629 at Tamsui DistrictNew Taipei CityTaiwan. It is located nearHobe Fort, which was built during Qing rule.
紅毛城,古稱「安東尼堡」,位於台灣新北市淡水區。最早建城是在1628年佔領台灣北部的西班牙人所興建的聖多明哥城,但後來聖多明哥城遭到摧毀,1644年荷蘭人於聖多明哥城原址附近予以重建,又命名為「安東尼堡」,1867年以後曾經被英國政府長期租用至1972年,被當成是英國領事館的辦公地點,一直到1980年,該城的產權才轉到中華民國政府手中。紅毛城不但是台灣現存最古老的建築之一,同時也是內政部所頒訂的國定古蹟。 但也因其為紅磚打造,部分中國大陸遊客會和中國傳統紅磚建築搞混。

滷肉飯Minced pork rice

Minced pork rice  is a Chinese-style rice dish commonly seen throughout Taiwan and southern Fujian province. The flavor may vary from one region to another, but the basic ingredients remain the same: ground pork marinated and boiled in soy sauce served on top of steamed rice.
滷肉飯(常被誤寫為魯肉飯白話字: ló͘-bah-pn̄g)是台灣流行的一道豬肉菜餚。近年台灣官方有意將滷肉飯英譯,改為台語發音的直譯(仿日本壽司韓國泡菜英譯,以當地語言直譯,突顯專有特色

八家將Ba Jia Jiang
Ba Jia Jiang  originated from the Chinese folk beliefs and myths, usually referred to a few members of God, generally eight members. The general argument of the existence of Ba Jia Jiang is from the eight generals catching evil exorcism for Wufu Emperor . These eight generals are the gods of the underworld. They are also known as the bodyguards or attendants for the temples of the nether Gods such as Dongyue Emperor , Yama (King of Hell, ) and Cheng Huang (City Gods, ). Gradually Ba Jia Jiang evolved into the pioneers of Wang Ye (Royal Lord, ), Matsu ( and many other temples, as the bodyguards of the Gods. Later on, the participation of believers in the temples dressed up as Ba Jia Jiang in order to defend the Gods. These actions evolved into Taiwanese folk activities, which are part of the Wu Array (Military Array, ) in Din Tao (Taiwanese troupes, . Ba Jia Jiang is responsible for the capture of ghosts and evils, bringing safety and good lucks and providing protections. They contain a strong religious nature, and Din Tao (Taiwanese troupes, ) are often seem mysterious, threaten and serious

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