2015年4月2日 星期四

5-3 Paris ( sara / kelly )

The Eiffel Tower is    to Paris's famous attractions.
By 1874, the Louvre Palace had achieved its present form of an almost rectangular structure with the Sully Wing to the east containing the square Cour Carrée and the oldest parts of the Louvre; and two wings which wrap the Cour Napoléon, the Richelieu Wing to the north and the Denon Wing, which borders the Seine to the south.
到1874年,盧浮宮已經達到了目前幾乎是矩形的結構與蘇利榮含廣場Carrée庭院的景色和盧浮宮最古老的地區東部的形式;兩翼其中包裹的拿破崙的Cour ,黎塞留翼,北與天龍座接壤的塞納河以南。
Roman triumphal arches remained a source of fascination well after the fall of Rome, serving as a reminder of past glories and a symbol of state power. At Lorsch Abbey, the triple-arched Torhalle was built in deliberate imitation of a Roman triumphal arch to signify continuity between the Carolingian Empire and its Roman predecessor.

2 則留言:

  1. 5-3#6
    This is a good place!{這是個好地方!}

    1. 風景很漂亮,解釋也詳細。The scenery is very beautiful, but also a detailed explanation.
